The Drive Thru is the foundation for many industries. Quick Service Restaurants, grocery stores, banks and parking all have the Drive Thru at their core. Over the last few years we have seen the increase in usage as people are looking for smarter, faster and Accurate Drive Thru.

How can we make the Drive Thru Smarter? By helping your team members better equipped to serve customers better. Using LPR Cameras 5THRU Smart Timer Identifies each car as it enters the Drive Thru. Giving this info to your team members help them

How can we make the Drive Thru Faster? Gregory’s Coffee, a large chain, in New York wanted to open their first drive thru and wanted 5THRU Smart Timer to help. Displaying the live video of each drive thru interaction keeps the staff engaged and focused. Once the system was down for a while and the team mentioned how much they missed seeing the live feeds.

How can we make the Drive Thru more Accurate? Meal matching is the challenge of getting the order and the customer correct every time. As Drive Thru traffic has increased so has the challenge to keep meals matched. 5THRU Smart timer helps team members match meals by giving the visual of the car in the drive thru.

We are ready to make your Drive Thru Smarter, Faster and More Accurate.